How to reduce period pain

You can reduce period pain in a number of ways. In addition to providing information on how to potentially lessen cramping during your upcoming periods, this article will help you in learning some effective home remedies to reduce period pain.

1. Taking OTC (over-the-counter) medicines

Non - steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used for menstrual discomfort and excessive flow. Ibuprofen, for instance, or Meftal Spas, a trade name for a tablet containing Dicyclomine (10 mg) and Mefenamic Acid (250mg), are often used substances in India. These can be procured with a prescription.

2. Heat application

If you don't have a hot water bottle or heating pad to treat pre-period pain or cramps during periods, take a warm bath or use a hot towel. In a review of studies conducted in 2018, heat therapy was found to be just as effective as Non - steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in reducing menstrual pain. In addition, it may be less likely to cause side effects.

3. Orgasms

While there hasn't been any clinical research on the direct impact of orgasms on period cramps, science suggests that it might be helpful.

Your entire body, including your spinal cord, is affected by vaginal orgasms, which cause the release of neurotransmitters. Endorphins and oxytocin, two neurotransmitters that can aid to lessen pain, can be released during a vaginal orgasm.

4. Applying essential oils to massage

One of the most effective ways to treat period cramps can occasionally be a 20-minute massage. Pushing various areas of your back, side, and abdomen while the massage therapist's hands move around them constitutes menstruation massage therapy. According to several research, aromatherapy massage with essential oils may have additional benefits too! 

5. Avoid certain foods and incorporate herbs into your diet.

It's a good idea to stay away from foods that cause bloating and water retention during menstruation. Meals high in fat, carbonated beverages, alcohol, salty foods, caffeine, and other such substances are some of the worst culprits. Reducing or avoiding these foods can help to ease painful cramps and stress.

Although the evidence for home remedies for period pain is conflicting, there are numerous anecdotal reports of them being beneficial. As a result, many people, including traditional medicine practitioners, have reported that adding ginger, chamomile, white peony, etc., can provide symptomatic relief because they contain anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic substances that can help relieve menstrual pain by reducing muscle spasms and swelling.

When to consult a doctor?

If the aforementioned tips for period pain don't relieve your symptoms, you should see a doctor. Here are some signs which indicate that you should see a doctor:

  • you are unable to perform daily activities due to the pain

  • over-the-counter medicines don't relieve the pain 

  • when you experience severe cramps for the first time after the age of 25

  • you are unable to stop the bleeding from getting worse over time

The best way to get therapy in these situations is to have a doctor determine the cause of your menstrual discomfort so that it can be much easily treated.


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