How to get rid of pregnancy without using abortion pills?

 If you’ve decided that having an abortion is the best decision for you, there are better options than finding the natural ways of abortion. There is no proof that any non-medical method will work and will not result in fatal or life-threatening consequences for you. Hence, natural abortion methods are usually not recommended, can be dangerous and are generally not backed by any science. Medical abortion, whether through pills or surgical procedures of abortion (where you can end a pregnancy without using abortion pills), allows you to go through the process under the supervision of a trained and qualified medical procedure, making it very safe for you.1

What are the different types of abortions?

There are medical and surgical abortions available, and some differences between the different types of abortions include:

  • Medical abortions (nine weeks of pregnancy and less): A woman will take two different types of medications (usually within a 48-hour period). A doctor prescribes these medications, and they should either be taken at home or in the doctor’s office (or a combination of both). Your doctor will give detailed instructions on how and when to take your medications.
  • Surgical abortions: In this abortion, the doctor surgically removes the embryo from the uterus. These procedures require mild sedation, local anaesthesia (numbing the area), or complete anaesthetic (fully asleep). In-clinic abortions, aspiration abortions, and dilation and curettage (D&C) abortions are a few additional names for surgical abortions. Women may choose a surgical abortion due to personal preference, being too far along in the pregnancy, or a failed medical abortion.2

Medical abortions are usually possible up to 9–11 weeks of pregnancy. In most cases, once a woman is 9 to 11 weeks pregnant, a doctor will decide if she is no longer eligible for a medical abortion. Aspiration abortions can be performed on women up to 14–16 weeks of pregnancy, although D&E abortions are often performed at 16 weeks or later. Both of these methods of surgical abortion have been explained below.3 4

Aspiration abortion

The pregnancy is eliminated through a suction in this process. Here, a tube is put inside the womb through a cervix (the entrance to the womb from the vagina). Most women go home within a few hours of vacuum aspiration, which takes around 5 to 10 minutes.

Dilatation and evacuation (D&E)

In order to terminate the pregnancy, special equipment called forceps is inserted through the cervix and into the womb. The procedure is done under sedation or general anaesthesia. It usually takes around 10 to 20 minutes, and you can go home the same day.5

Where can I get a surgical abortion?

How early you can get an abortion depends upon where you go. In some places, you can have it as soon as a pregnancy test is positive. Other doctors or nurses will advise you to wait 5–6 weeks after the first day of your last period.

How late you can get an abortion depends on the laws and the doctor, and the clinic. It could be harder to find a doctor who will perform an abortion after the 12th week of pregnancy, so plan your abortion as soon as possible.

Why do people choose surgical abortions?

The kind of abortion you choose depends entirely on your personal preference and situation. Some people prefer surgical abortion because they want to have their procedure performed at a hospital, where nurses, doctors, and trained support staff will be present the entire time.

Surgical abortions are also far faster than abortion pills: most surgical abortions take approximately 5–10 minutes to complete, whereas medical abortion can take up to 24 hours.

Your doctor will help you decide which kind of abortion is the best for you.

What are the possible risks of having an abortion?

Abortion in a clinic is common and is one of the safest medical procedures available. Abortions are risk-free compared to other gynaecological procedures performed. The risk of challenges increases the later you get the abortion and sedation, and if you use sedation or general anaesthesia.

Some of the serious complications that can happen are:

  • The abortion does not work, and the pregnancy does not end
  • Some of the pregnancy tissue is left in your uterus
  • Blood clots in your uterus
  • Very heavy bleeding
  • Infection
  • Injury to your cervix, uterus or other organs
  • Allergic reaction to a medication

Does an abortion hurt?

Abortion feels different for everyone; it can be extremely painful or slightly uncomfortable. Your level of discomfort can vary depending on the medications you take, how far along you are in your pregnancy, and how much cramping and pain you experience. Most people describe it as having strong period pains.

Your doctors and nurses will do everything to make your abortion as comfortable as possible. You will be given pain and numbing medications and sedation if necessary.

You may experience some cramping after your abortion and definitely want to rest for a bit afterwards, but most people feel fine the next day.

Does abortion have any long-term side effects?

Surgical abortions are common and effective, and millions of people have had them safely.

There is no risk to your future pregnancies or overall health unless a rare and serious complication is untreated. Abortion does not increase your risk of breast cancer or affect your fertility. It does not cause future pregnancy complications such as birth defects, premature birth or low birth weight, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, or infant death.

There are many myths about the effects of abortion. Your nurse or doctor can provide you with accurate information about the risks and side effects of surgical abortions.

How effective are surgical abortions?

Abortions performed in a clinic are very effective. They work more than 99 times out of 100. The need to get a repeat procedure because the abortion did not work is quite rare.6

You can have some side effects immediately after the treatment and also during the recovery phase. Common surgical abortion side effects include bleeding, like blood clots, nausea, vomiting, sweating, faintness, and cramps after using the abortion pill.

When should I contact a doctor?

You should contact your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Vaginal discharge with a foul odour
  • Having huge blood clots for almost two hours
  • Heavy bleeding that needs you to change your pad twice in one hour for two hours straight
  • Pain or cramping that worsens rather than improves( particularly after 48 hours)
  • The symptoms of pregnancy that last more than a week


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