How does white discharge stop in women?


First of all, white discharge is not always an issue! In fact, it's very normal to get a white discharge. If you get a white vaginal discharge on certain days of the month, there is nothing to be worried about, and it is actually a sign of good vaginal health. You can have excess vaginal discharge if you are on birth control pills, pregnant, or your periods are around the corner. All of this is very normal.

It is necessary to pay attention if you have any excess amount of white discharge, especially if it is on all days of the month, and if it also has symptoms like a foul odour, itching, or burning. It can be something serious, and you should not ignore it! If you have a white, slightly yellowish, or even creamy discharge. It could be a sign of a vaginal yeast infection, vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis, and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). These infections often have additional symptoms like a foul odour, burning, itching, clumpy discharge and so on. Also, a yellow or green vaginal discharge with a thick, chunky, foul odour may indicate a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI).2 In that case, you should get medical advice from a healthcare professional. These infections may generally be diagnosed and treated with a simple course of antifungal or antibiotic medicines such as Clingen Forte, Miconazole, metronidazole and so on.

In fact, in order to prevent vaginal infections, you should try to keep your vaginal pH close to 5.2, which allows disease-fighting bacteria to thrive! Maintaining a good vaginal pH is necessary to have a healthy vaginal discharge. A healthy pH indicates that you have a healthy population of good bacteria in the vaginal (genital) area, which actually helps to prevent infections.

There are some natural ways by which you can build your immunity against vaginal infections. These might not be based on scientific studies, but even doctors usually recommend consuming foods rich in probiotics, like yogurt (curd). It is because probiotics contain live, good bacteria known as Lactobacillus acidophilus. This bacteria is also present along with the bad bacteria in the vagina. It helps to keep the vagina and its environment healthy by taking care of bacterial imbalance.


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