What to do if I’m experiencing false labour pain?
Pregnant women frequently suffer false labour pain , also referred to as Braxton Hicks contractions, before they experience true labour contractions. These Braxton Hicks contractions usually start as early as the fourth month to as late as the third trimester of pregnancy. Your body is preparing for the big day when you give birth by going through these contractions. Here is what you need to know to recognise the symptoms of false labour pain and seek medical help if necessary. It can be very challenging to determine whether they are feeling a false alarm or if it is a true labour contraction. What does false labour feel like? According to some women, false labour feels like an occasional tightening of their abdomen. Usually, there is no pain felt. Others claim that they are similar to light menstrual cramps. Although they are uncomfortable, Braxton Hicks contractions do not start labour or widen the cervix.1 False labour contractions can feel strong at one moment and weak ...